Retirement should be a stress-free time of your life, enjoying time with children, grandchildren and traveling to all of the places you’ve dreamt of. However, sometimes that isn’t feasible… until now. With a reverse mortgage, you are able to live the stress-free lifestyle and we at Senior’s Reverse Mortgage are here to help make this type of living a reality.
What are the benefits of a reverse mortgage?
- You’re able to keep the title of your home. – The lender will not own your home, you will keep the ownership of your home. However, reverse mortgage will simply put a lien against your property.
- Additional income for stress-free living. – With a reverse mortgage loan, you do not need to worry about a monthly mortgage payment. You can receive your money in a monthly payment to increase your income or in a lump sum.
- Social Security and Medicare income aren’t affected. – Keep all of your benefits and use a reverse mortgage loan as additional income to offset cost of living, add funds for vacations or other expenses you may have.
- Mortgage is paid back upon selling or leaving your home!
If you’re ready to take the steps towards a reverse mortgage, please give us a call. Our team is here to walk you through every step of the way and will answer any questions you may have. It is time to start living the retirement you’ve always dreamed of.